Copyright Protection : Air Speed Cargo

Today : Sunday 11/09/2022
Last Checked : 21/11/2022
Protection started : 29/01/2016

Protection Type : All / Content
Site Homepage :
Protection : Active What Is This? [1]
Monitoring : Enabled
Protected : Whole site [ 2 ]

Protection: The content on this site as referred to here as is created by the website developer(s) referred to here as Droidai Web Solution, which includes but is not limited to design, text, images, code, photographs (images) and videos on the site and are considered to be the Intellectual Property of the website developer(s) until unless transferred to any other person or concern, whether copyrighted or not, and are protected by GSI SAFECOPY services using the INDIAN COPYRIGHT ACT, 1957. Reproduction or re-publication of this content is prohibited without permission.

Any person who infringes or abets the infringement of copyright work or any other right conferred by this Act [except the right conferred by section 53A] shall be punishable as per the act.

The Protection Status [1]: The term "Protection: Active" refers to that GSI SAFECOPY services run in the background on a regular and short interval basis to Search, Identify, and then take actions on the relevant copyright infringement issues on behalf of the party concerned.

The Extent of Protection [2]: The whole content on this site including but not limited to design, text, images, code, photographs (images) and videos come under the copyright work and are as such protected.